I have failed miserably. I promised I would make something and post pictures every day of June. As it turns out - that was HARD. I ended up not having as much time as I thought, I would. I definitely ended up having less energy than I thought I would have. So, here is my sincere apology. If you were expecting something every day, Thank you. Thank you for believing in me. Trusting me to stick to my word. There is something cool about this failure, though. A few weeks ago I was doing my usual stumbling (www.stumbleupon.com - seriously, check it out, you will love it <3 ) and I came across a set of rules. But not just any set of rules, no it was a codified set of the Builder's, Crafter's, Maker's rules.

I know it's kinda tiny, so just in case you can't read the 4th rule, I'll rewrite it here. It states the following:
A failure is simply an experiment. Most efforts will fail. Rarely should the same failure repeat itself.
So there you have it. Failure is okay. This was simply an experiment, and I experienced that having to make something crafty every single day, while trying to keep up with both a full time job and a full time life, is simply impossible. For me at least.
Loooove <3